Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Witek Nazarewicz

Committee Members

David Dean, Thomas Papenbrock, Bob Compton, Carrol Bingham


We report on the development of a new shell-model Monte Carlo algorithm, which uses the proton-neutron formalism. Shell model Monte Carlo methods, within the isospin formulation, have been successfully used in large-scale shell-model calculations. Motivation for this work is to extend the feasibility of these methods to shell model studies involving non-identical proton and neutron valence spaces. We show the viability of the new approach with some test results. Finally, we use a realistic effective nucleon-nucleon interaction in the model space described by (1p1/2, 0g9/2) proton and (1d5/2, 2s1/2, 1d3/2, 0g7/2, 0h11/2) neutron orbitals above the 88Sr core to calculate ground-state energies, binding energies, B(E2) strengths, and study pairing properties of the even-even 90-104Zr and 92-106Mo isotope chains.

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