"Conformity to Masculine Norms: A Case-Based Time-Series Analysis of Me" by Isaac Curtiss Brandt

Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Brent Mallinckrodt

Committee Members

Jakob Levy, Joe Miles, Joel Diambra


There is an established and growing body of research associating poor health outcomes among men with conformity to socialized masculine gender norms (Bonar et al., 2011; Borsari, Murphy, & Barnett, 2007; Courtenay, 2011). This study explored whether this socialization is subject to change in four individual male participants in a multi-week, small group learning environment called Intergroup Dialogue (IGD). Participants in IGD “closely examine the socially constructed norms and ideologies that guide their (often unconscious) beliefs” (Dessel & Rogge, 2008 p.213). IGD groups met for eight sessions. Pre- and Post-group scores on the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory-46 (CMNI) were compared. Session-by-session ratings from group facilitators on the Interpersonal Relations Scale (IRS) Checklist-Short form were also collected. Results indicated change in one of the four participant’s pre-post total CMNI scores and for all individuals on specific CMNI subscales. Patterns of IRS ratings were noted, paralleling participants’ journal entries about their experiences in IGD.

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