Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical Engineering
Major Professor
Fangxing Li
Committee Members
Kevin Tomsovic, Scott Holladay, Jinyuan Sun, Chien-fei Chen
From the beginning of the twenty-first century, the electrical power industry has moved from traditional power systems toward smart grids. However, with the increasing amount of renewable energy resources integrated into the grid, there is a significant challenge in power system operation due to the intermittency and variability of the renewables. Therefore, the utilization of flexible and controllable demand-side resources to maintain power system efficiency and stability has become a fundamental goal of smart grid initiatives.
Meanwhile, due to the development of communication and sensing technologies, intelligent demand-side management with automatic controls enables residential loads to participate in demand response programs. Therefore, the aggregate control of residential appliances is anticipated to be feasible technique in the near future, which will bring considerable benefits to both residential consumers and load-serving entities. Hence, this dissertation proposes a comprehensive optimal framework for incentive based residential demand aggregation. The contents of this dissertation include: 1) a hardware design of smart home energy management system, 2) a new model to assess the responsive residential demand to financial incentives, and 3) an online algorithm for scheduling residential appliances.
The proposed framework is expected to generate optimal control strategies over residential appliances enrolled in incentive based DR programs in real time. To residential consumers, this framework will 1) provide easy-to-use smart energy management solution, 2) distribute financial rewards by their quantified contribution in DR events, and 3) maintain residents’ comfort-level expectations based on their energy usage preferences. To LSEs, this framework can 1) aggregate residential demand to enhance system reliability, stability and efficiency, and 2) minimize the total reward costs for executing incentive based DR programs. Since this framework benefits both load serving entities and residents, it can stimulate the potential capability of residential appliances enrolled in incentive based DR programs. Eventually, with the growing number of DR participants, this framework has the potential to be one of the most vital parts in providing effective demand-side ancillary services for the entire power system.
Recommended Citation
Hu, Qinran, "Incentive based Residential Demand Aggregation. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2015.