Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

A. Paul Wishart

Committee Members

Charles L. Thompson, Glenn T. Lloyd, Earl M. Ramer


Statement of the Problem: Schmitt, Quigley, and Quadagno (1968, pp. 3, 27) pointed out that little attention had been given to the qualification and responsibilities of supervisors of academic teachers of the deaf as regards "evaluative studies." They stressed the need for some uniformity of practice in connection with the kind and degree of academic training and "professional experience" required of supervisors. Brill (1971, p. 138) supporting Schmitt and his partners, called attention to the relatively "little objective research" in regard to role definition for supervisors and necessary academic preparation for their position. Griffing (1968, p. 678) emphasized that definition of supervisory role is a major requirement and suggested that the practical approach to the "dilemma" lies "in the analysis of tasks for supervisors" (p. 682).

The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the difference in viewpoints of the writers by reviewing available literature on supervision in programs for the hearing-impaired, and relating these viewpoints to an analysis of the perceptions of administrators, principals, supervisors, and teachers of the deaf, as regards: (1) the professional training, qualifications, and experience, and (b) the responsibilities and duties of supervisors of academic teachers of the deaf.

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