Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Fangxing Li

Committee Members

Leon Tolbert, Kevin Tomsovic, Mingzhou Jin


Variable and uncertain wind power output introduces new challenges to power system voltage and frequency stability. To guarantee the safe and stable operation of power systems, the control for voltage and frequency regulation is studied in this work.

Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) can provide fast and efficient reactive power support to regulate system voltage. In the literature, various STATCOM control methods have been discussed, including many applications of proportional–integral (PI) controllers. However, these previous works obtain the PI gains via a trial and error approach or extensive studies with a tradeoff of performance and applicability. Hence, control parameters for the optimal performance at a given operating point may not be effective at a different operating point. To improve the controller’s performance, this work proposes a new control model based on adaptive PI control, which can self-adjust the control gains during disturbance, such that the performance always matches a desired response in relation to operating condition changes. Further, a new method called the flatness-based adaptive control (FBAC), for STATCOM is also proposed. By this method, the nonlinear STATCOM variables can easily and exactly be controlled by controlling the flat output without solving differential equations. Further, the control gains can be dynamically tuned to satisfy the time-varying operation condition requirement.

In addition to the voltage control, frequency control is also investigated in this work. Automatic generation control (AGC) is used to regulate the system frequency in power systems. Various control methods have been discussed in order to design control gains and obtain good frequency response performances. However, the control gains obtained by existing control methods are usually fixed and designed for specific scenarios in the studied power system. The desired response may not be obtained when variable wind power is integrated into power systems. To address these challenges, an adaptive gain-tuning control (AGTC) for AGC with effects of wind resources is presented in this dissertation. By AGTC, the PI control parameters can be automatically and dynamically calculated during the disturbance to make AGC consistently provide excellent performance under variable wind power. Simulation result verifies the advantages of the proposed control strategy.

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