Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

George K. Schweitzer

Committee Members

J. Robertson


Proposed Problem

The objective of this research was to investigate the behavior of metal ions in aqueous solution in their exchange with atoms of the same metal, but where the metallic phase would be in the liquid state.

Research along these lines but involving solid metallic phases has demonstrated that the exchangeability of an ion with a solid metal probably depends on the ability of the metal to re-form its surfaces when in contact with these solutions. A preceding section has reported on the sensitivity of exchange to any of the various processes that can affect the nature of the surface of the metal. With this in mind, it was felt that if the metallic phase to be subjected to exchange were to be in the liquid state, then many of the problems (“hot spots”, variation in crystal size or orientation, channeling in cracks or faults) arising from use of solid phase could be eliminated or minimized.

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