Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

Philip D. Smith

Committee Members

Orin B. Graff, Ira Chiles, Lawrence O. Haaby, Travis Hawk


Iran has a rich cultural background with regard to religion, ethics, philosophy, science, literature, and social values. In Iran, beginning with the early years of settlement, education has been considered an essential element in the life of the people. The growth of science and the changes that have taken place in the life of the Iranian people require a critical evaluation of the Iranian educational system in the light of modern educational practices.

Educators in Iran have an obligation to provide leadership in developing a sound educational philosophy compatible with the cultural background of Iran and the basic theories of education as practiced in progressive countries.

The school curriculum at all levels, including teacher education curriculum, should be based upon a philosophy which considers the cultural heritage of the Iranian society as well as modern ideas in education.

It is the duty of all teachers in any society to help pupils to understand the cultural aspects of the society, to learn competencies which are necessary for social life and to improve their living conditions. Therefore, the preparation of teachers is of great importance in any culture.

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