Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

Galen N. Downy

Committee Members

Orin B. Graff, John W. Gilliland, Spencer Edgar, Cecil Lawrence


Recommendations: The general conclusions of this study suggest that a great deal more attention should be given to the effect the actions of public school superintendents have upon the success or lack of success of desegregation. It is also believed that more research should be directed toward the factors which seem to have a definite effect upon the superintendent's action during the process of public school desegregation. Perhaps more intensive research in a single school system, where this is possible, would shed additional light upon the action of the superintendent and the causes of this action. The behavioral patterns which emerged from action taken by all ten superintendents were evaluated to some extent in the companion study. However, it seems probable that a series of studies which involved many people in each system would make the patterns of action more meaningful. This would appear especially true if these patterns were the result of intensive research in each system suggested.

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