"The Relationship Between Creativity and Self-Directed Learning Among A" by Barry F. Cox

Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Ralph G. Brockett

Committee Members

Jeffey Aper, Michael Johnson, Tricia McClam


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between creativity and self-directed learning readiness in a sample of adult community college students in Tennessee. A cluster sample of 114 students enrolled in Walters State Community College evening school were participants. Participants were administered the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS), the Khatena Torrance Creative Perception Inventory (KTCPI), and a demographic questionnaire.

Demographic information substantiated a preponderance of female students with an average age of 25.5. Students were typically Caucasian and generally held a high school diploma.

A significant moderate positive correlation was found between creativity and self-directed learning readiness. There were also significant positive correlations between self-directed learning readiness and the components of the KTCPI (SAM and WKOPAY?). The SAM and WKOPAY? had a moderate positive correlation. There were significant positive correlations, ranging from moderate to weak, between self-directed learning readiness and seven of the 11 factors of the KTCPI. Multiple regression produced a significant variable in Intellectuality, which explained about 24% of the variability in the SDLRS total score.

Creativity differed by gender with males having higher mean levels of creativity. There were no differences for gender or birth order in self-directed learning readiness. Ethnic background and educational level had insufficient numbers for analysis. There was not a significant correlation between age and creativity or between age and the factors of the KTCPI. There was a weak but significant relationship between age and self-directed learning readiness.

The results suggest that there is a relationship between creativity and self-directed learning readiness, which reinforces earlier accounts. It is possible that these related attributes, especially if used together, could help the achievement of adult community college students.

Recommendations include the assessment of creativity and self-directed learning and the expansion of these skills at the community college level. Research recommendations include the development of new measures of creativity and self-directed learning, exploration of previous models, and the use of qualitative research. Additional research should continue to investigate demographic variables, experimental studies should be broadened, and related concepts within psychology need to be examined for potential contributions.

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