Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

George W. Harris

Committee Members

Mary Jane Connelly, Lloyd David, Olga Welch


Visionary, effective leadership is imperative to the achievement of the national education goals by the year 2000. It is the district superintendents of schools who must provide this direction to educators of K-12 schools. In six southeastern states the criteria for selection of these local district leaders vary. Although the question of whether the method of selection relates to the manner in which the superintendent manages the school district had not been determined, people in the state of Georgia voted for appointment over election. The purpose of this study was to investigate, in Georgia, whether a causal relationship existed between the selection process of the superintendent and the effectiveness with which he/she managed the school system. This perceived effectiveness was sought of educators who worked closely with the superintendent; the principals. Further, the purpose was to determine differences in elected and appointed Georgia superintendents' demographic information and the priority of their concerns. Superintendents in each school district in the state of Georgia specified demographic data. Randomly selected principals at each level from each district responded to a questionnaire indicating their perceptions of the individual superintendent's leadership ability. These ratings were used to compare perceived differences in selection methods. Major findings of this study were: 1. Appointed superintendents were more experienced in administrative positions, held higher degrees, and were older. 2. Elected superintendents held their position and had been in education for a longer period of time. 3. Appointed superintendents were most concerned with school board relations; elected superintendents were most concerned with budget and finance. 4. Principals perceived the appointed superintendent as superior overall in all administrative areas surveyed. Recommendations were: 1. In 1996 identical surveys be sent to the principals and the entire educational community of the school districts where superintendents were previously elected, as well as the entire educational community. By that time, all superintendents will have been appointed and will have served for at least three years. These data would be compared with the results of this study. 2. Future research of data used to chart educational improvement should be compared from 1992 to 1999 to determine if appointment of superintendents is the key to progress in the state of Georgia.

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