Doctoral Dissertations


Yuru WuFollow

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Yilu Liu

Committee Members

Fangxing Li, Wenpeng Yu, Lin Zhu


This doctoral dissertation addresses the evolving challenges in power system frequency dynamics as the penetration of renewable energy sources increases, leading to a decrease in system inertia. The integration of these renewable sources, particularly those involving electronic inverters, introduces high-frequency harmonics and oscillations, necessitating enhanced accuracy and wideband measurement capabilities for effective monitoring and situation awareness in power systems.

The dissertation makes several significant contributions to this field. In Chapter 2, the dissertation introduces a review of the related literature, detailing the development and application of monitoring devices in modern power systems. Chapter 3 proposed a variety of hardware devices designed for renewable energy monitoring and conducted experimental verification. Chapter 4 delves into the modeling and analysis of these monitoring devices, offering insights into their measurement performance and proposing hardware solutions to enhance accuracy based on the established models. In Chapter 5, the focus shifts to the development of hardware-friendly algorithms, including novel sampling control strategies and frequency-based estimation methods tailored for hardware implementation. Chapter 6 introduces modified communication protocols specifically designed for multiple purposes, including high rate data reporting, synchronized waveform reporting and compressed data reporting%, alongside various data compression techniques. An event-driven hybrid compression technique is proposed, optimized for practical application and efficient data handling. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the key findings and conclusions drawn from this research.

This comprehensive study not only introduces practical hardware devices enhancing monitoring and control in modern power systems but also guides the design of monitoring devices and develops hardware-friendly algorithms for dynamic detection. Additionally, it innovates data transmission strategies to enhance the efficiency and reliability of monitoring. Overall, these contributions enhance the technological frameworks for ongoing advancements in the field of wide area monitoring system.

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