Doctoral Dissertations

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Teacher Education

Major Professor

Tara C. Moore

Committee Members

David F. Cihak, Terry T. Ishitani, Yujeong Park


This pilot study focused on the experiences and perceptions of 60 teacher candidates from a large university in the Southeast United States. The researcher examined their use of remote video observations, performance feedback, and behavior skills training as a coaching strategy from their education preparation programs by university supervisors. The study involved the use of the researcher-developed Remote Video Observation and Performance Feedback Tool (RVO+PF Tool). Through factor analysis and statistical analyses, the researcher gained insights into the challenges of using remote video observation, the types and quality of performance feedback, and the components of coaching teacher candidates received. The results of this pilot study led to the reduction of items from the survey and the creation of six factors that primarily focus on the qualities of performance feedback and behavior skills training desired by education preparation program supervisors. The researcher also provides implications for future research and suggestions for using the survey to enhance the quality of supervision and coaching provided to teacher candidates by education preparation programs.

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