Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Francis K. Harper

Committee Members

Francis K. Harper, Missy D. Cosby, Lori A. Caudle, Susan L. Groenke


This qualitative case study focuses on a high school teacher’s perspectives and experiences as she teaches students using trauma-informed strategies. The research questions focused on how the teacher conceptualizes building relationships through the use of trauma-informed strategies and what supports and/or challenges she receives from outside sources in teaching using those strategies. Data collected included a screening questionnaire for participant selection, semi-structured interviews, and field notes collected during classroom and whole day observations. The analysis focused on using data gathered from data collection along with literature to develop themes that answered the research questions posed.

Key findings identified several trauma-informed strategies that can be utilized by teachers to assist students struggling with trauma such as: providing structure and consistency through lesson schedules, communication, and with clear and concise instructions; providing breaks; focusing on building relationships with students; creating a comfortable and respectful environment; and allowing student choice with flexibility from the teacher. In addition, receiving support from other teachers, administration, and the school district can have a large positive impact on a teacher’s ability to provide support to students struggling with trauma. This research offers insight into how one single teacher navigates teaching students struggling with trauma in addition to her required curriculum. Recommendations are offered for teachers that want to better understand students struggling with trauma and how to better meet their needs utilizing a variety of strategies. Also included in the study are discussions for future research regarding the utilization of trauma-informed strategies within the classroom environment.

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