Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Ronald E. Taylor

Committee Members

Roxanne Hovland, Eric Haley, Michael J. Stankey, David W. Shumam


The study of cultural values in advertising has drawn considerable attention from various researchers; however, the research is still at a rudimentary phase with little consistency and agreement on basic premises. As a document analysis, this study examined the presence of three core cultural values in American advertising the role of the individual, time, and space in order to provide a better foundation for domestic and international advertising.

Using a sample of 198 television ads drawn during primetime hours, an examination of individualism produced two elements -- main message strategy and contextual support for individualism. Four types of main message emerged -- The Esteemed Individual, the Efficient Individual, The Attractive Individual, and The "I Am Me" Individual. A total of 78% of ads used main message strategy with the Efficient Individual showing the highest frequency, and a total of 97% of the ads contained contextual support.

Eight contextual categories were examined which are gender, occupation, age, rасе, ethnic group, presence of nuclear family, depiction of recognition ceremonies, and use of camera techniques.

An examination of time produced seven contextual categories. They are Planning Time, Marking Time, More Time, Limited Time, Sequenced Time, Oriented Time, and Synchronic Time. The latter three categories were present in each ad while the other four varied in their frequencies. The Limited Time message was the strongest of the four.

An examination of space produced three contextual categories. They are Ownership of Space, Location of Relationships, and Mastery of Space. The use of private space was used far more frequently than public space for the first two categories, and 77% of the settings for ads used altered space rather than natural space.

Managerial applications were noted, and concerns for the social impact and the responsibility of advertisers were addressed.

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