Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

Major Professor

Sonya D. Hayes

Committee Members

Mary Lynne Derrington, James A. Martinez



This qualitative study examined preschool teachers' perceptions of implementing inclusive practices in their classroom instruction, addressing the research question- How do preschool teachers in Tennessee perceive the implementation of inclusion practices in their classroom instruction? The results revealed five themes- fear of and initial discomfort around young children with disabilities, lack of preschool special education knowledge and skills, school and district administrator support and guidance, the importance of teacher preparation and field experiences, and continuous professional development, coaching, and collaboration. These themes are critical in preschool teachers' beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions toward inclusive education. The teachers revealed their fear of and initial discomfort in interacting with young children with disabilities. They were negatively influenced by their lack of special educational background knowledge and skills. The teachers felt inclusion could succeed with district and school administrator support and guidance. Within teacher preparation programs, teachers voiced the importance of special education coursework and the connection to field experiences. In their schools, the preschool teachers expressed the urgent need for ongoing professional development, coaching, and collaboration with staff to implement an inclusive classroom. This study addressed teachers' attitudes toward inclusion and how those attitudes are reflected in their behaviors in the classroom. A teacher's attitude toward inclusion does influence the success of their inclusive classroom environment. Therefore, further research should continue to investigate factors that affect the inclusive early childhood classroom so that educators may enhance the quality of inclusive education.

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