Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

James E. Coda

Committee Members

James E. Coda, Lynn L. Hodge, Amy D. Broemmel, Konnie Monteith


We are (one). Life force energy is (one). World (language) education is my way to introduce the world of life force energy. This piece is rooted in the theory of qi, but moreso it is rooted in love and my philosophy of the oneness of life. Life is a gift. To see that we are life is a gift beyond words. To move beyond words but still know is awareness. To remember that the most essential part of what we are is timeless awareness is an opening into the light of consciousness, the wisdom of love, the whole of life force energy that is qi. Through eyes of awareness, light illuminates the infinite whole. It is here, in the space of the now, that I share my visions.

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