Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

Major Professor

Dr. Mary Lynn Derrington

Committee Members

Dr. Mary Lynn Derrington, Dr. James Martinez, Dr. Sonya Hayes


This study investigates the perceptions of school administrators regarding the effectiveness of career and technical educator (CTE) teacher preparation programs. As the landscape of education continues to evolve, the importance of CTE programs in preparing students for the workforce has gained significant attention. Central to the success of these programs are the educators who deliver instruction. However, limited research exists on how school administrators perceive the preparedness and effectiveness of CTE teachers.

Utilizing qualitative research methods, this study explores the perspectives of school administrators through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis reveals themes related to the perceived strengths and weaknesses of CTE teacher preparation programs, the alignment of these programs with the needs of the industry, and the impact of teacher preparation on student outcomes.

Findings suggest that while administrators acknowledge the importance of CTE teacher preparation, they also identify areas for improvement, such as the need for more practical experience, updated curriculum, and ongoing professional development. Additionally, administrators stress the importance of partnerships between educational institutions and industry stakeholders to ensure that teacher preparation programs remain relevant and effective.

This study contributes to the existing literature by providing insights into the perspectives of school administrators, who play a crucial role in shaping and supporting CTE programs within their schools. The findings offer valuable implications for teacher preparation programs, educational policymakers, and practitioners seeking to enhance the effectiveness of CTE instruction and better prepare students for success in the workforce.

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