Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Higher Education Administration

Major Professor

Dr. Norma T Mertz/ Dr. Karen D. Boyd

Committee Members

Dr. Gary J. Skolitz, Dr. Steven N. Waller, Dr. Robert Kelchen


This study investigates the factors leading to the loss of funding and subsequent closure of a long-standing Upward Bound program at Fortitude University, a Historically Black University. As one of the original federally funded Upward Bound programs established in 1964, this program played a crucial role in bridging the opportunity gap for many students in the city where this program was located, encouraging high school completion and college readiness. Despite its historical significance and impact, the program faced an abrupt end in the summer of 2017. Employing general qualitative research methods, the study draws on interviews with former Upward Bound employees, alongside document analysis, to understand the intricacies behind this unexpected closure. Kotter’s 8-Step Change Management Model provides a theoretical framework for this analysis, offering insights into how internal and external factors, including lack of institutional support, complacency, resistance to change, leadership challenges, and errors in the application process, played pivotal roles in the program's termination. Additionally, unexpected shifts in student and school demographics, partly due to the rise of charter schools and catastrophic weather events, are identified as contributing factors. The findings highlight the critical need for adaptability, effective leadership, and robust change management practices in sustaining educational initiatives, particularly within HBCU contexts. The study sheds light on the specific circumstances surrounding the closure of Fortitude University's Upward Bound program and offers broader implications for the sustainability of similar educational programs. Recommendations for future research include exploring the application of change management models in educational settings and strategies to enhance program resilience and sustainability.

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