UTK Fact Book
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I welcome you to the 2003-2004 edition of the University of Tennessee Fact Book. This edition marks the second year that the Fact Book has been produced only in non-printed versions. Our initial venture into electronic publishing last year led to considerable support and acceptance within the university community and resulted in a Best Electronic Fact Book award from the Southern Association of Institutional Research last fall. Not only are considerable financial savings realized from these ventures, but the on-line and compact disk versions of the Fact Book also allow for better distribution throughout the state.
The reader is reminded that Fact Book data reflect the reorganization of the University of Tennessee. Most of the tables include figures for the programs in Knoxville, Memphis, and Tullahoma, as well as the Institute for Public Service and the Institute of Agriculture. If you need information not found in the Fact Book please contact the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.
Recommended Citation
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, "Fact Book: 2003-2004" (2004). UTK Fact Book.