The Vestiges of the Sacred

Benjamin James Wathen


As religiosity fades from Western society, a general apathy

has begun to pervade contemporary life. The role of

religion as the orientation point of life (for many people)

has vanished leaving voids within the cultural fabric. The

post-modern movement epitomized this well through the

embrace of a life devoid of purposeful meaning and infinite

interpretation. Through this we have lost the sense

of the sacred and the careful reverence of things higher

than ourselves.

How can architecture induce this sense of the sacred?

Site: Abandoned Railway Tunnel (Detroit to Windsor)

Program: Pedestrian crossing and Contemplative Park

Goal: design a daily ritual journey for the people of Detroit

and Windsor

The tunnel is devoid of context. The viewer has no immediate

connection with the outside world, priming them for

an emotionally altering experience. As the viewer makes

his way through the tunnel, he experiences various aspects

of the sacred (silence, isolation, darkness, edifice,

and the sublime) with the hopes that these experiences

over time would prompt contemplation on a daily basis.