Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

John W. Lounsbury

Committee Members

Eric Sundstrom, Jacob J. Levy


The present study focuses on the relationship between personality and Life Satisfaction. I analyzed the Big Five traits, six Narrow personality traits, and levels of Life Satisfaction in a sample of 5,932 individuals. A review of existing literature on other variables that contribute to Life Satisfaction was also conducted and used to measure against personality traits. The narrow traits added variance above and beyond the Big Five personality traits. All the Big Five traits and Optimism, Assertiveness, Intrinsic Motivation, and Tough-Mindedness were significantly and positively correlated with Life Satisfaction. Image Management was significantly and negatively correlated with Life Satisfaction. Results were discussed in terms of the relation of personality traits to Life Satisfaction and the amount narrow personality traits related to Life Satisfaction after controlling for the Big Five. Explanations were offered as to how these traits might have value in relation to Life Satisfaction.

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