Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

Eric W. Swanson

Committee Members

H.J. Smith, J.T. Miles


In recent years there has been a gradual change from the use of whole milk to milk replacers or dried skimmed milk because they are more economical and less labor is required in feeding them. Feeding liquid milk to calves is a chore and a possible source of infection, so it is desirable to limit the milk drinking or suckling period to a short time. Calves will eat considerable concentrate feed if they are not drinking milk after five weeks of age. However, calves fed liquid milk beyond this age seem to grow more efficiently than those fed only dry feed. Dry feed consumed goes to the rumen of the calf where it is fermented. Liquid milk by-passes the rumen and goes directly to the abomasum, where protein and fat digestion begin. It is possible that the rumen fermentation lowers the nutritive value of the milk solids when fed dry rather than in the liquid form. It is important to determine whether or not the nutritive value is changed by the method of feeding and to evaluate feeding methods in the light of such knowledge. Little has been done in comparing the forms of feeding dried skimmilk. The purpose of this study was to compare the nutritive value of dried skimmilk fed in the liquid form with the same type of milk fed dry in the concentrate ration with equal energy intakes for both groups.

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