Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Social Work


Social Work

Major Professor

Dana L. Ingle

Committee Members

Jane Ann Epperson, Hugh H. Vaughn


This study was designed to investigate the following hypotheses:

  1. Referrals of children to the Clinic will tend to cluster around two time points--school entrance and the shifts from elementary to junior high school.
  2. Proportionately, more school referrals than those referred by other sources will be of children in the lower socio-economic class.
  3. Children referred by schools will terminate service earlier in the clinic process than those referred by other sources.
  4. Proportionately, more children from one-parent families will be referred by other sources than by schools.
  5. There will be more referrals of children who are the oldest child in the family (or the only child) than of younger siblings.
  6. There will be no differences in the proportion of oldest children referred by schools and those referred by other sources.

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