Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture



Major Professor

Mark Dekay

Committee Members

Richard Kelso, Scott Wall


The place is the concrete manifestation of man’s dwelling, and his identity depends on his belonging to places.” (Norberg-Schulz 1980, 6)

Human existence is defined by our being in the world; the daily actions of individuals in places over time. To enhance this existence, it is necessary for us to connect to place, to become aware of the relationship between body and place. Architecture provides a venue to bring together body, place, and time. Architecture can articulate the experience of being-in-the-world; therefore, through the experience of architecture an individual can become aware of place. As we come to understand place, we begin to understand and define our sense of self. This connection between body and place, through the perception of Architecture provides a life-enhancing experience contributing to the existence of both body and place.

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