Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Animal Science

Major Professor

Ronald C. Fraser

Committee Members

Sammuel R. Tipton, David M. Prescott, Jordon Carlson, Tosh P. Solo


Problems in the present study

From the studies of Sakai and Dan (1959), it became apparent that the changes in soluble SH groups during the first division of sea urchin eggs, as reported by Rapkine (1931), represent the changes in protein SH groups dissolved in 25% TCA. It is also certain from the cytochemical study of the mitotic apparatus (Kawamura and Dan, 1958) that there are abundant SH groups in the protein of spindle and astral fibers. However, there is no evidence to show whether the total amount of protein-bound SH groups (present in both the 25% TCA-soluble and insoluble protein) changes during the course of formation of the mitotic apparatus, whether the amount of protein-bound S-S groups changes, and whether there exist s-s groups in the mitotic apparatus as stated by Mazia (1954). If there is an increase in the amount of s-s groups in fibers of the mitotic apparatus, where do they originate? In order to answer the above questions and to uncover the secret of the mechanism of formation of mitotic apparatus, it is necessary to measure protein-bound SH groups as well as s-s groups. It is also essential to correlate cytochemical observations with the data derived from the measurements of such groups.

In the present study, changes in protein-bound SH and s-s groups in sea urchin eggs during the first division cycle were followed cytochemically and quantitatively. Special attention is given to the possible role of these groups in the structure and origin of the mitotic apparatus of sea urchin eggs.

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