Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

Galen N. Downy

Committee Members

A. H. Johnston, Charles Moffett, P. M. DeRidder, John W. Gilliland, Chris B. Graff


Introduction: In view of the constant search for competent administrators on all levels of school administration, there is a need for defining the personal and operational characteristics which will indicate to an employer how a person will react in a given set of circumstances, particularly those which are related to the specific position involved. For example, how would a principal go about dealing with a parent whose child has been suspended from school for disciplinary reasons? How can we know, beforehand, whether an individual will be a good or a poor administrator? Industry has developed time and motion studies for better production in plants by observing personnel. It seems feasible, then, that some method can be developed which will enable educational administrators to select more efficient personnel.

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