C.E. Brehm, 1946-1959
Submissions from 1956
Requests of Negroes for Rooms in Residence Halls, to Gretchen L. Bundy, June 5, 1956, Gladys Beach
Committee Report on Admission of Blacks, April 24, 1956, University of Tennessee News Bureau
Submissions from 1955
Minutes and Correspondence re. Athletics, April 21, 1955, Secretary Board of Trustees
Correspondence on Desegregation, to J. H. McLeod, January 5, 1955, C. E. Brehm
Reports from Other Institutions on Integration, to Harley Fowler, December 8, 1955, Quill E. Cope
State Board of Ed. Resolution re. Segregation, to C. E. Brehm, June 20, 1955, Quill E. Cope
Sundry Correspondence on Admission of Negroes to University, to Mr. Frank Ahlgren et al., December 16, 1955, Harley Fowler
Judge Marion Boyd's Opinion on Desegregation, to Dr. C. E. Brehm, October 31, 1955, George F. McCanless
Letters of Criticism re. Athletic Department, to C. E. Brehm, April 13, 1955, Roy B. Striegel
Submissions from 1954
Non-Discrimination Clause in Research Contracts, to C. E. Brehm, December 31, 1954, Herman M. Roth
Submissions from 1953
State Statement re. Negroes in Extension Program, to Dean F. C. Lowry, September 26, 1953, C. E. Brehm
Requests of Negroes to be on University Faculty, to Dr. I. L. Ferguson, August 13, 1953, O. W. Hyman
Special Committee of U.T. Board in Segregation and Negro Case, A. L. Jackson, April 9, 1953, E. A. Waters
Submissions from 1952
Statements re. Segregation, to Dr. C. E. Brehm, March 19, 1952, R. J. Burrow
Hooker and Walker, Attorneys, to John J. Hooker, November 7, 1952, J. P. Hess
Supreme Court Decision re. Desegregation, to Dr. C. E. Brehm, January 13, 1952, John J. Hooker
American Bar Association, to President Cloide E. Brehm, March 24, 1952, Robert E. Mathews
Recommendation of Dean N. F. Thomason, to President C. E. Brehm, February 8, 1952, R. F. Thomason
Submissions from 1951
Statistical Information on Negro Schools, etc., April 1951, Henry G. Badger
De-Emphasis of Football, etc., to C. E. Brehm, Harvey Branscomb
Setup of Athletic Board, to Dean Dougherty et al, October 29, 1951, C. E. Brehm
Surrender of Athletic Charter, to Dean Dougherty et al, July 5, 1951, C. E. Brehm
Board of Trustees Resolution on Athletic Association, July 2, 1951, Executive Committee
Judge Robert L. Taylor's Opinion on Segregation, to Dr. C. E. Brehm, April 26, 1951, J. P. Hess
De-Emphasis of Football, etc., to Tom McDonough, December 6, 1951, A. W. Hobt
Submissions from 1950
General Ray H. Beeler's Opinion on Segregation, to Dr. C. E. Brehm, September 26, 1950, Roy H. Beeler
American Association of University Professors, to President C. E. Brehm, August 14, 1950, William E. Cole
Meeting in Governor Browning's Office, June 5, 1950 , Louise Gill
Supreme Court Decision in U.T. Case, to Dr. C. E. Brehm, June 13, 1950, J. P. Hess
Correspondence re. Desegregation, to J. P. Hess, October 4, 1950, Wassell Randolph
Submissions from 1948
Correspondence with the Attorney General's Office, to Dr. C. E. Brehm, July 1, 1948, Robert T. Kennerly
Submissions from 1942
History of Segregation at U.T., to Roy H. Beeler, October 17, 1942, P. J. Kruesi