
Ethylene-Stimulated Nutations Do Not Require ETR1 Receptor Histidine Kinase Activity

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Ethylene influences the growth and development of plants through the action of receptors that have homology to bacterial two-component receptors. In bacteria these receptors function via autophosphorylation of a His residue in the kinase domain followed by phosphotransfer to a conserved Asp residue in a response regulator protein. In Arabidopsis, two of the five receptor isoforms are capable of His kinase activity. However, the role of His kinase activity and phosphotransfer is unclear in ethylene signaling. A previous study showed that ethylene stimulates nutations of the hypocotyl in etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings that are dependent on the ETR1 receptor isoform. The ETR1 receptor is the only isoform in Arabidopsis that contains both a functional His kinase domain and a receiver domain for phosphotransfer. Therefore, we examined the role that ETR1 His kinase activity and phosphotransfer plays in ethylene-stimulated nutations.

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