Document Type

Commercial Fruit & Vegetable Insects, Pests & Diseases

Publication Date



A properly maintained landscape adds beauty and value to a property. Landscapes often contain a great diversity of plants and so have the potential to attract many pests. Fortunately, natural enemies of pests often regulate pest populations to low or moderate levels and chemical control is not needed. However, pests may still cause more damage than can be tolerated. We recommend using an integrated approach to managing pests.

This factsheet was written to familiarize the home or professional landscaper with the steps to using integrated pest management (IPM) in the landscape. Using this approach, you can manage damaging pests without disturbing the natural balances that exist between pests, natural enemies and the environment. Although pesticides play a role in this approach, it is important to understand the problems that may result when traditional chemical pesticides are used as the only means of defense against pests.

Publication Number

SP503D-2M-6/99 E12-2015-00-044-99

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