Source Publication

Physical Review B

Document Type


Publication Date

May 2006


Magnetization, static and ac magnetic susceptibility, nuclear forward scattering, and electrical resistivity measurements have been performed on polycrystalline Eu4Sr4Ga16Ge30, a type I clathrate that has divalent strontium and europium ions encapsulated within a Ga-Ge framework. These data are compared with those of type I clathrates Eu8Ga16Ge30 and Eu6Sr2Ga16Ge30. The ferromagnetic ordering of these Eu-containing clathrates is substantially altered by the incorporation of strontium, as compared to Eu8Ga16Ge30. Ferromagnetism, accompanied by a relatively large negative magnetoresistance, is observed below 15 and 20 K in Eu4Sr4Ga16Ge30 and Eu6Sr2Ga16Ge30, respectively. An effective magnetic moment of 7.83 μB per Eu ion is observed above 30 K for Eu4Sr4Ga16Ge30, a moment which is close to the free-ion moment of 7.94 μB per europium(II) ion.

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