Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agriculture and Extension Education

Major Professor

David G. Craig

Committee Members

Gerald C. Ubben


There is not a unified program of career development for kindergarten through the sixth grade which would properly prepare the child for the task of making realistic career decisions.

The purposes were: (1) to identify what content is now being taught in on-going career development programs for K-6; (2) to establish a sequential pattern for the curriculum content of a career development program for K-6; (3) to identify what content should be taught in career development programs for K-6 and objectives.

To obtain information about career development programs for objectives one and two, 23 letters were written to state vocational centers, The National Vocational Guidance Association, and various persons responsible for initiating career development programs. Trade and professional literature and ERIC materials at the Tennessee Research Coordinating Unit were searched for information about career development programs. The third objective was obtained as a result of an analysis of objectives one and two. A career development model was designed.

The career development model consists of two major parts, Phase I and Phase II. Phase I of the model is a program designed for kindergarten through the third grade. This phase is based upon developing an awareness of careers related closely to the environment of the child. It is primarily designed around those careers associated with the school, the family, and the local community.

Phase II of the career development model is designed for grades 4-6 levels. This phase of the model is designed around occupational clusters. This part of the model is composed of activities and experiences designed to give the student a broad background in the galaxy of careers. The occupational clusters used in this phase of the model are as follows: Producing and Processing Occupations Cluster, Construction Occupations Cluster, Manufacturing Occupations Cluster, Marketing and Distribution Occupations Cluster, Transportation and Public Service Occupations Cluster, Recreation and Natural Resources Occupations Cluster, Human Service Occupations Cluster, Personnel Service Occupations Cluster and Media Occupations Cluster. The aim of this model is to provide the student with experiences upon which he can select a general occupational area for further exploration.

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