Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

George E. Bowen

Committee Members

David Johnson, Joseph Prochaska


This study attempted to assess the impact of the Tennessee Valley Authority's Valley Resource Center's Community-Based Economic Development programs in rural communities. Several methods were employed during the research. First, a review of the literature concerning community-based economic development and community-based development organizations was performed. Second, a review of TVA's economic and community-based programs was performed. Third, case studies were conducted in four rural communities which have participated in TVA's community-based initiative. The four communities include: Pocahontas, Virginia; Robbins, Tennessee; Roses Creek, Tennessee; and Walls Mississippi. Interviews were conducted with representatives from each community in order to assess the impact of TVA's community-based initiatives. It was concluded that TVA's Community-Based Economic Development program did have an impact in the four case study communities. It was also concluded that TVA's Community-Based Economic Development program is a sound approach to economic development in rural areas.

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