Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Nuclear Engineering

Major Professor

Peter Groer


Calibration of film badges uses data (z) from a “calibration" experiment. These data consist of pairs zi={xi,yi} where xi are exposures fixed and chosen before the experiment and i are the corresponding film densities. To describe the saturation of film density at higher exposure levels the following model was used relating exposure and film density: y=β01xe2x+μ where β0, β1, and β2 are parameters and μ ~ N(0,σ) is the normally distributed observational error. Using Bayes’ Theorem and a non-informative prior for β1, β2, and a the expression for the joint posterior density of these parameters is obtained, assuming negligible background density β0. Integration of the likelihood of a new observation, multiplied by the joint posterior density of β1, β2, and σ yields the predictive density which serves as a new “likelihood” in the derivation of the calibrative density. This density describes the remaining uncertainty about a new unknown exposure Xn corresponding to a new observed film density Yn. The advantage of the procedure described here stems from the fact that the uncertainty about Xn is described quantitatively by the calibrative density. This procedure is applied to film badge calibration data sets used at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the 1960's and 1970's and the results are compared to other calibration analysis.

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