Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Robert W. Rochelle

Committee Members

Bodenheimer, Bouldin


This thesis describes both the design and the design process for a unique input and output device intended to be part of a consumer multimedia machine. Because of the peculiar demands of the multimedia machine, "off the shelf" solutions did not exist. The configuration of this design is a quality analog joystick for input and a series of LED displays for output. The input and output systems are controlled by a single microcontroller which interfaces to the host machine via an RS-232 asynchronous communications channel. Surface-mount components were used in its construction to minimize size and weight, which were critical factors for this configuration. Several units were built and tested successfully. This system was intended for both consumer and industrial markets and performed well in the laboratory. In many ways, this design is superior to common devices currently available.

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