Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Zhili Zhang

Committee Members

Mark Gragston, Damiano Baccarella, Phillip Kreth


Imaging techniques are close to our lives and are used for various applications. In the engineering field, one of the dominant techniques is hyperspectral imaging. It is a necessary tool that combines spectroscopy and digital photography and provides additional information on what is imaged by the imaging system. Hyperspectral imaging has been applied to various fields including remote sensing, cultural relic conservation, food microbiology, forensic science, biomedicine, etc.

In particular, work was done to apply hyperspectral imaging to measure the temperature and emissivity of an object. Due to its ability to measure temperature and emissivity without being in contact with the material surface, hyperspectral imaging has been regarded as a convenient method to monitor real-time data.

In this research, a HyperSpectral Imaging System (HSIS) is designed to image an object. The Compressed Hyperspectral Augmented Image Reconstruction (CHAIR) algorithm was used to reconstruct the spatial and spectral data, and experiments were designed and carried out to acquire the required inputs of the algorithm. After the essential inputs were obtained, Planck’s law was applied to calculate the temperature of every pixel of the recovered hyperspectral image, and finally, a 2D temperature map was acquired.

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