Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Recreation and Sport Management

Major Professor

Angela Wozencroft

Committee Members

Angela Wozencroft, Jason Scott, Steven Waller


Background: Participating in organized sport plays an important role in youth development. The sport environment may exclude different minority groups, including the LGBTQ+ community, because they do not fit within societal norms. Most of the research has focused on the lack of participation from LGBTQ+ youth and has not offered any solutions.

Purpose: (1) To conduct a pilot study in which the LGBTQ+ community identifies constraints faced when participating in organized youth sports. (2) To connect the identified constraints to the benefits of using recreational therapy as a treatment modality to lessen or eliminate said constraints. The research questions asked were: (A) What are the perceived constraints that the LGBTQ+ community face? (B) How do perceived constraints impact the participation in the organized sport for the LGBTQ+ community?

Methods: (1) The pilot study is a qualitative e-survey designed to assess the perceived constraints the LGBTQ+ community face in organized youth sports. (2) A thematic analysis was conducted following the survey, organizing the qualitative data into themes.

Results: Four themes were produced following the thematic analysis: sports experiences influenced by others, personal view of self in relation to sport, the benefits of the environment to well-being, and the feeling of an inclusive environment.

Conclusion: The LGBTQ+ community continues to face constraints when it comes to leisure, in particular with organized sports. This study found that while the LGBTQ+ community faced several constraints through their experiences with organized youth sports, they would still be interested in playing sports if playing alongside others within the community. This study also found that while the LGBTQ+ community faced constraints, they also found ways to receive the benefits of participating in organized youth sports. Recreational therapists should use the results of this study to continue researching ways recreational therapy can benefit the LGBTQ+ community who continue to face constraints.

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