Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

B. R. Haynes

Committee Members

E. O'Dille, G. Parker


Statement of the Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to analyze organization charts received in response to two hundred requests sent to large companies. Criteria for the purpose of analyzing the charts were set up, and the charts were analyzed according to conformity with the principles of organizational content and structure.

Organization may be applied to society and business. Organization in society embraces the family, state, and church and belongs to the field of sociology or political science. Organization in business consists generally of all enterprises in which man engages to earn a livlihood. It is with the latter that this study is concerned. To limit the scope still further, this study is concerned principally with large corporations, although some of the charts to be analyzed are those of the service units of the municipal, state, or federal government. Furthermore, the study concerns present status of organization rather than future planning.

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