Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Pamela S. Angelle

Committee Members

Vincent A. Anfara, Jr., Gary J. Skolits, Tara C. Moore


Research has shown that effective school leadership has a positive influence on school effectiveness and student achievement. Current reform efforts include teachers, both formally and informally, as leaders of schools. However, there are currently no widely-accepted measurements or models to assess both formal and informal teacher leadership in schools. The purpose of this study was to compare model fit for the four-factor model of teacher leadership to model fit for three alternative models. The four-factor model was developed during the second administration of the Teacher Leadership Inventory (TLI), and the three alternative models were developed from the results and recommendations from the confirmatory factor analysis of that administration. Teacher responses to the second administration of the TLI constituted the data set for this study. Participants included 421 teachers from 23 schools in three East Tennessee school districts. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted for each of the measurement models under investigation, and model fit indices and parameter estimates of all four models were used for comparison. Model fit indices indicate better model fit for the four-factor model over both the two-factor and five-factor models but not over the three-factor model. However, further evaluation of both parameter estimates and prior research provide support for the acceptability of the four-factor model over the three-factor model.

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