Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


School Psychology

Major Professor

Christopher H. Skinner

Committee Members

Brian Wilhoit, Merilee McCurdy, Mari Beth Coleman


Post-secondary students with intellectual and developmental disability have an increased presence on college and university campuses nationwide. Given the academic rigor required to succeed in college courses, students with Intellectual and Developmental Disability need support and explicit instruction to target specific skill deficits. This dissertation includes four-chapters. Chapter One is an overview of post-secondary education programs, reading challenges experienced by post-secondary students with disabilities, and whole-word reading interventions. Chapter Two describes a study in which a computer-based phrase reading intervention was used to increase course related vocabulary acquisition. Chapter Three describes a study in which a computer-based phrase reading intervention was used to compare two methods of teaching words in phrases on generalization. Chapter Four discusses the effects, limitations, and implications of using a computer-based reading intervention to enhance whole-word and phrase acquisition and generalization.

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